Monday, August 28, 2006

Weekend of Car Wrecks

This weekend was the weekend for car wrecks big and small. There were several fatal car accidents this weekend in the metro area. One was Sunday morning which my husband and kids came upon at 6th Avenue and Kalamath. The ambulance had not yet arrived and they stopped because the truck was smoking and in his work truck he carries a fire extinguisher. He was bringing the kids to me because he had to be in Aurora @ 8 AM. I was able to show the kids the new building that I will be working in come September. After that we went to leave the parking garage and I backed into a car. I left a note on the windshield and left. He is an OrthoPod and seems very nice. I hope it all turns out well. I found out that my parents were in a perilous situation with their Jeep on TroubleSome Pass. I hope that everyone else avoided the accident aura that was around Denver this weekend. I am blaming it on "Ernesto" the Hurricane and the ions it is producing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have ridden with you--you always have ions..JK sorry, I avoided wrecks this week, but I was probably the one causing them because everything seemed fine, in fact better than usual. Nae

Tue Aug 29, 07:02:00 PM MDT  

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