Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Irene Elisabeth Scholin

Irene Elisabeth Scholin


Grandma passed away on Thursday morning the 8th of November in her sleep. Just how I knew she would go. We had talked about it and she told me that is what she wanted to pass without interferance from those there at the house.I knew she would pass while I was at work and asked her to fluff my hair when she went so I knew she was gone. She kept her promise and between 4 and 4:30 that morning while tending to a brand new baby I had chills run up my spine and my hair ruffled. At the time I had disregarded it but then a little after 6 I got the call she had passed. I smiled to myself because she kept her promise.Her viewing was yesterday evening and that was uneventful minus a few arguments in the smoking section but at least they were outside.Her funeral is today so the real fun will be today.

I am so happy we had such a nice 90th birthday party for her, because I know she enjoyed it. I will miss our little chats about the yapping dogs and even yappier daughter in laws she had. I am glad her pain and suffering is over and she is in a better place.

I love and miss you Grandma!


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