Friday, March 03, 2006

Pre-teen mood swings

What a morning! The sun is shining the mountains look beautiful and my 8 year old daughter is having a BAD day. It started out with "nothing to wear" moved onto "my hair looks stupid" and ended up with "there is nothing good here to eat, I will just starve". I know that teenage girls have this all the time because I was one once but I do not remember it before junior high school. I was a tomboy so as long as I had a somewhat clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt I didn't care. I remember my mom making me comb my hair before school and washing my face. On the other hand my daughter is much more girly than I ever was and seems to care about her apperance much more. She isn't as girly as her cousins the O girls but has me beat at her age. I liked to play soccer, kickball, et cetera and she doesn't mind sports but will almost always fix her hair before moving onto something eles. I tried to remain calm and rational as all the parenting books tell you to but I lost it a little there at the end when we were going to get into the car to drive to school. I only raised my voice a little but inside was wanting to yell and scream and then spank. Lord help me when we get to the teenage years.


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