Saturday, September 29, 2007

Cell phone forwards

Lately I have been getting a lot of cell phone forwards and have passed along many of them. Some of the best come from my brother in law who has a great sense of humor. Here are some of my favorites:

A little girl asks her mom if babies come
out of the place boys put their penis.
Mom says yes.
The little girl says doesn't that hurt
your mouth.
Girls reaction to penis size:
9 inches=pain
7 inches=heaven
6 inches=perfect
5 inches=um ok
4 inches=push more
3 inches=is it in?
2 inches=fuck it just use your tongue
God saw you hungry and created McDonalds
God saw you thirsty and created Bud Light
God saw you without a good looking friend and created my sexy ass!
Life is full of mistakes and regrets but one thing I will never
regret is meeting you.
A condom tells a tampon "You always stop my business for a week"
The tampon says "Yeah but when you fuck up I loose my business for
nine monthes.
The police found a body with saggy titties,
dirty panties, and a food stamp card.
Girl I was worried--you alright?
Why do midgets laugh when they run?
Because the grass tickles their balls.
6,675,000,000 people in this world
and yet I ended up with your crazy ass as my friend.
Damn I feel lucky!
You are riding a horse at full speed,
a giraffe is beside you,
an elephant is in front,
and a lion behind.
What do you do?
Get your drunk ass off the merry go round!
What is the best position to make the sexiest baby?
If you don't know ask my parents!
Sex is like muddin'
you see the hole and approach it carefully
enter it slowly
then once you are in it is balls to the wall
until your motor blows
A boy took his cat to school
the teacher asks why
he starts to cry and says that he heard his dad tell his mom
that once the kids were at school
he was going to eat that pussy
Flowers $20
Dinner and a Movie $ 60
Hotel Room $120
The look on her face when you stick it in her
I'm trying to set up a haunted house for halloween
and I need some ugly people.
How much do you charge?
Someone asked me what I loved most about life
and I thought of you!
Masturbation is like procrastination
It feels damn good at the time but then you sit back and realize...